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The Mozart Award

The Mozart Award is the world’s most prestigious award that is given to Songwriters, Musicians and Artists Worldwide. The Mozart Award gives recognition to not only the Artist who performed the “Hit Song” but just as important, gives recognition to the Songwriters and Musicians who wrote and composed the material that allowed the Performing Artist the ability to have the “Song be a Hit” in the first place.

The Mozart Award is an annual award that is presented to the World’s Best Songwriters, Musicians and Artists as determined by an accounting of the “World’s Biggest Hits” as were recorded by the Billboard Music Charts. These records are accurate and precise and account for the facts relating to whether these Songs, their Songwriters, Musicians and Artists actually made Hit’s or they did not. 

Consequently, the Mozart Award is “not” influenced by any other factors other than absolute and concrete facts and is based on an “impartial and non-biased accounting” of the “Biggest Hits Ever Recorded” and independently verified by a matter-of-fact accounting of historical records. 

History of the Mozart Award

In an effort to see a more accurate and precise recognition system for giving benefit to each party participating in the collaboration of the monumental effort of making a “Hit Song”, the World’s Best Songwriters and Musicians was formed “Recognizing and Uniting Songwriters, Musicians and Artists Worldwide.” 

Jeb Bush                           Governor of Florida Tony Knowles
Governor of Alaska William J Sheffield Former Governor of Alaska
Walter J Hickel
Former Governor of Alaska                                                                                                      Former Secretary of the Interior
George W. Bush
Former President of the United States of America

The Founders and Artist’s of World’s Best Songwriters and Musicians are Strong 
Supporters of the following Charities:
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A Child is Missing Overview

According to the United States of America Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and the United States of America (US) Department of Justice’s most recent figures there are over 2,000 to 3,000 children reported missing every day in America. A Child is Missing is a 501 (3)c non-profit organization that works exclusively with Law Enforcement in the search and recovery of missing children in the first few hours of a child’s disappearance , which usually determines whether they live or die. From our national Command Center; which operates 24 hours a day 365 days a year; we Geo-Map and Triangulate the Position of Last Sighting of a child and send out 1,000 Alert Calls a minute to the area where the child was last seen until an entire city is impacted. Calls include land lines, cell, text and email alerts. The Program is free to Law Enforcement nationwide and soon worldwide. There are success stories on our website at:

A Child is Missing Program is now in all Fifty States Nationwide and to date we have over 600 safe recoveries to our credit, which only scratches the surface of the missing children’s problem in America and worldwide. We work with the United States of America’s US Marshall’s Service, FBI, State and Other Law Enforcement agencies, Attorney General’s Office and other Child Safety Groups. The Program has been used successfully for over 12 years. We also assist in School Lock Downs, CART, and Airport Alerts for Children and Alzheimer’s.

Missing Children Registry®
Millions of children and adults are reported missing each and every year. Causing extreme pain, hardship and suffering to families and friends. It is the mission of Missing Persons Registry.Com and Missing Children Registry.Com to make available to the public (free of charge) a form that allows instant internet postings of missing persons of any age, race or religion, throughout the world. It is our goal to provide a clearinghouse of information that may assist the efforts of law enforcement and provide loved ones a way to reunite with their families and friends.

Mr. LaMoureaux,
The President has asked me to thank you for thinking of him and to convey his best wishes for a successful event. 
                                                                                                                                                                       Bradley A. Blakeman 
                                                                                                                                                                       Deputy Assistant to the President

Walter J Hickel
Former Governor of Alaska Something this horrifying needs to be dealt with in an immediate and strategic manner.
Your support for the "National Command Center" and the National Rapid Response System" (now nationwide because of your fundraising campaign) has enabled and will continue to help law enforcement officials to find missing children here in Alaska and across the nation. This is a noble cause that needs broad support.
                                                                                                                                                                    Walter J Hickel
                                                                                                                                                                    Former Governor of Alaska
                                                                                                                                                                    Former Secretary of the Interior

More than 3,000 children are reported missing everyday. We need to increase public understanding and awareness of this problem to prevent this alarming rate from continuing. I appreciate your commitment to your community and the contributions you have made to enhance both our way of life and our society as a whole. 
                                                                                                                                                                    Jeb Bush
                                                                                                                                                                    Governor of Florida

"I applaud your efforts in organizing this extreme sport charitable event to raise funds for the National Command Center. Heightened awareness of the "National Rapid Response System" will enable law enforcement officials to find missing children across the country, a truly worthy cause."
                                                                                                                                                                    Tony Knowles
                                                                                                                                                                    Governor of Alaska

"The awareness to the public that your climb will generate will alert families in their time of need that there is immediate help for them to find their child that is missing in the first hours of their disappearance.” The climb For America's Children event and A Child Is Missing Program is so very important to this country. You have my support!" 
                                                                                                                                                                    William J Sheffield
                                                                                                                                                                    Former Governor of Alaska

George Olsen, President George Bush, Sherry Friedlander


John Walsh - America's Most Wanted, Sherry Friedlander, 
FL Lt. Governor Frank Brogan

There is no price to place on a child’s life... in some states sexual predators can live right next door to you, you wouldn't know and your children are at risk...toddlers wander off and are found in lakes...young children go on adventures and never return home... children are kidnapped from their homes…so much more happens... we have to care... we have to react.... it can happen to your children... 
                                                                                                                                                                        Sherry Friedlander
                                                                                                                                                                        A Child Is Missing

Today, “Climb For America’s Children and A Child Is Missing “working together are making every effort to raise funds to continue our life saving mission of “Protecting and Finding Missing and Exploited Children!”
However, “Our Needs are Great and Real” as we need to continue the efficient operations of our ACIM Alert and Recovery Command Center (ACIMCC), continued training of Law Enforcement and our Awareness Campaigns such as the Climb For America’s Children First Worldwide Missing Children’s Telethon so that people in America and Worldwide become more aware of the problem and gain a desire to Help in Saving Lives of The Innocent!
Our program at A Child Is Missing works exclusively with Law Enforcement in the First Few Critical Hours of A Child’s Disappearance, which usually determines whether they live or die! Our program has approximately 90 million regular phone and cell phone numbers in the United States of America. When a child goes missing, local Law Enforcement is called to the scene of the missing child and the Law Enforcement Officer makes a call to “A Child Is Missing Command Center” (ACIMCC) which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – 365 day’s  a year to give us the missing child’s information. We then Geo-Map and Triangulate the position of last sighting and “A Child Is Missing Command Center” (ACIMCC) can send out 1,000 telephone calls a minute to the area where the child was last seen, recoveries have been made in 8 , 23, 53 and the average 90 minutes. Areas can be expanded Example of a message as follows: 
“This is the New York Police Department 
There is A Child Missing in your Area;  
The Child Is described as follows:  
 7 year old Boy with Brown Hair and Brown Eyes 
 Approximately 4’ foot 5” inches high weighing Approximately 80 pounds
Responding to the name of “John Doe” 
Last seen at 5th and Broadway today at 3:00 PM
We need your help look out your window or go out into your yard and look around 
If you should see this Child please call the local police department at xxx-xxxx. 
Please call 911 with any information you may have, as this child’s life is at risk! 
We thank you for your help. 
Please keep in mind that this could be “Any City, in Any Country in the World” that this Exclusive and Life Saving program is provided free to Law Enforcement. This successful program works.
We have had over 647 rescues in the last few years, thanks to our donors and other supporters; and there is “No Other Organization in the World that provides this service that works Exclusively with Law Enforcement Nationwide!  Can only be activated by law enforcement.
We are in the process to expand into Canada and have been “Asked by other Countries to expand into theirs also!” Our Goal is worldwide expansion, however we need the funds to help save these Missing Children before they are “Lost Forever” and “Your Support” will go along way to reach our goal.
Your Support will bring about “A Legacy that will live On for Generations to Come Worldwide!” Helping to Save Children’s Lives eventually worldwide because of Your Generous Support that we and Children Worldwide will be most grateful to accept in order to protect and Find Missing and Exploited Children and Keep the Awareness Campaigns Active, so that the Expansion to Worldwide Awareness is Substantial in Protecting the Innocent.
For Your Review and as a part of your due diligence please see our websites at: 
 Our success comes from people like you and we are grateful for your support!
I Hope and Pray that this Summary Overview of the First National Missing Children’s Telethon along with the review of the Climb for America’s Children and A Child Is Missing Alert websites and their links gives you the necessary elements required to immediately move forward on this Life Saving Mission!  
Board of Director’s 
& Advisory Board                             
Climb For America’s Children 

George LaMoureaux

Officers and Directors
Max LaMoureaux
Mia LaMoureaux
Tim Whitworth                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Advisory Board 
Sherry Friedlander 
Dr. Ginger Southall
Mr. Norman A. Bailey Sr. 
Richard K. Tilton
Tim Kirby

A Child Is Missing

Sherry Friedlander,
Chairman of the Board/Founder
David Lindemann, President 
Barry Mowell, Phd, Vice President
Darren Spielman LLC, Secy/Treasurer
Larry Van Dussledorf,  Board Member
Joe Crease, Board Member

Advisory Board
George LaMoureaux-Worldwide
Chief John Lucking Jr.-AK
Sheriff Edmund M. ”Ted”  Sexton-AL
Chief Richard Bull-CA
Howard Forman-Clerk of Courts-FL
Amy Mercer-Executive Director-
Florida Police Chiefs Association-FL
Peggy Nordeen-Starmark-FL
William Pruitt-Govt. Liaison-FL
Honorable E. Clay Shaw-FL
Chief Mel Standley-FL
Vernon Keenan- Director-
Georgia Bureau of Investigation-GA
Sheriff Robert L. “Rick” Beracy-MI
Bob Cornwell-Executive Director - Buckeye State Sheriffs’ Association-OH
Chief Thomas Streicher, Jr.-OH
Chief(Ret) Marlin Price-
ACIM Law Enforcement Liaison-TX

Founding Sponsors
Business In Broward magazine
Emergency Communications Network
Florida Dept of Law Enforcement
Florida Legislature
Starmark International
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital

Florida Law Enforcement-FL
Rhode Island Law Enforcement-RI
Alaska Law enforcement- AK
Ohio Law Enforcement-OH
Georgia Sheriffs’ Association-GA
Nevada Law Enforcement-NV
Indiana Law Enforcement-IN
Oklahoma Law Enforcement-OK
Michigan Law Enforcement-MI
West Virginia Law Enforcement-WV
Alabama Law Enforcement-AL
Massachusetts Law Enforcement-MA
New Hampshire Law Enforcement-NH
Maine Law Enforcement-ME
Vermont Law Enforcement–VT
Tennessee Law Enforcement-TN
Texas Law Enforcement–TX
Utah Law Enforcement–UT
Washington Law Enforcement–WA
South Carolina Law Enforcement-SC
Illinois Law Enforcement-IL
California Law Enforcement–CA
Arkansas Law Enforcement–AR
Missouri Law Enforcement-MO
Louisiana Law Enforcement-LA
Wisconsin Law Enforcement–WI
Virginia Law Enforcement-VA
South Dakota Law Enforcement -SD
North Dakota Law Enforcement-ND
Montana Law Enforcement – MT
Pennsylvania Law Enforcement – PA
Idaho Law Enforcement – ID
Maryland Law Enforcement – MD
Connecticut Law Enforcement – CT
Oregon Law Enforcement – OR
Kansas Law Enforcement – KS
Mississippi Law Enforcement-MS

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33 (New Living Translation)

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Monte Cristo Entertainment Group

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group is actively engaged in the acquisition and development of entertainment properties, including and not limited to catalogues of movie libraries, television episodes, franchise rights and any and all associated intellectual property rights associated with the same and the worldwide production and distribution of motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music and licensed merchandise.

A key mission of the Monte Cristo Entertainment Group is integrating entertainment with advanced technology.  

But more importantly is the relationships we build in the process as integrity is a critical and foremost part of all relationships, which incorporates the value of the people we do business with now and in generations to come.

It is the intent of the Monte Cristo Entertainment group to work directly with each and every contact we make to develop long term relationships which will positively build teams of respected business partners for many years to come! 

Each acquisition we make no matter how small or large is an integral part of a much larger entertainment catalog of entertainment and historic information films and media which records will stand the test of time with the Monte Cristo Entertainment Group serving as a gatekeeper of and virtual manager enhancing to distribute, develop, produce with partnerships that will give opportunities to engage and initiate franchise expansion and implement and renew opportunities regarding production and multimedia.

The Monte Cristo entertainment Group is providing an array of worldwide long term preservation technologies moving the storage of from film and tape to silicon chips, to its long term in multiple layering and globally separated and vaulted storage systems vaulted in multinational and historic preservation technologies in Quantum Dots where these valuable properties can stay in viable, vibrant, lustrous and pristine for 100,000 years, secured with advanced technologies and a multiple layering of other storage now known for protected, secure and instantiations retrieval and delivery for generations to come. 

This advanced technology storage and distribution system will serve as a “historic record vault” of still, audio and video entertainment of documents, film, tape and digital information that will stand the test of time throughout the next 100 millenniums to come securing and sharing these pieces of entertainment history for billions to enjoy and have knowledge in a documented place in time and prospective giving a Paravision of history and entertainment in a chronological system that will be enjoyed from prospective that were never imagined possible and delivered by technologies that are from a time yet to come in the future where we will only see a glimpse of in worlds known and unknown where God only knows and where we can only hope and pray that we will hear those prolific and God Spoken words say, "well done my good and faithful servant."

History of Monte Cristo Entertainment Group

The Monte Cristo Entertainment Group was conceived out of a desire to acquire the best film libraries in the world and enhance these strategic assets with development and distribution plans that will give them long term viability. Monte Cristo Entertainment Group is a long term player and is concerned about the integral part it takes in the responsibility to have its investors profit from strategic asset acquisitions and will secure these assets so that they appreciate over time considering the long term advanced technologies systems associated with its mission for securing profits while maintaining a constantly appreciating asset.

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group’s Founder George LaMoureaux is no on the sidelines participant in the Entertainment Industry. LaMoureaux is the Mainstream Entertainment Media Mogul who Founded, Created and was Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer of the Cartoon Channel and Toon TV, which are now known as the Cartoon Network, which is the “World’s Largest Television Network” other than CNN in crisis, with 250 to 300 million viewers a day worldwide and is also the Founder of Toon TV, now known as Toon Disney, which is a part of one of the World’s Most Recognized Entertainment Channels.

Charitable Commitments and Responsibilities

In addition, LaMoureaux has over the last 35 years been involved behind the scenes in the Music Industry supporting his family members who were and are talented Artists. Most recently, his brother Bart LaMoureaux died of a drug overdose in a similar way as Michael Jackson, becoming hooked on prescription drugs and suffering a huge family loss.

Over the last nine (9) years LaMoureaux’s primary focus has been his efforts to support “A Child Is Missing”, the First Response Program that works exclusively with Law Enforcement in the first few critical hours of a child’s disappearance; where he has been an active National and Worldwide Advisory Board Member since 2001 and is the Co-Founder of The Missing Children’s Registry, a Global Registry of Missing Children, which he and his younger brother Max LaMoureaux founded. 

LaMoureaux’s main focus today is the Worldwide Broadcast of the Missing Children’s Telethon which in one part incorporated the filming and climbing of the “coldest mountain on the planet”, Mt. McKinley / Denali and “the tallest mountain on Earth”, Mt. Everest, where he and his Teams of Climbers were filmed on each of their Summits! 

As amazing as LaMoureaux climbing “the coldest mountain on the planet”, Mt. McKinley / Denali and “the tallest mountain on Earth”, Mt. Everest was the fact that when he most recently climbed Mt. Everest and made it to its Summit on May 21, 2008, was the fact that he began climbing Mt. Everest only two and a half (2-1/2) months after he personally went thru five (5) back-to-back Cancer Surgeries and while climbing Everest was notified that his younger sister Mia was murdered; yet he finished the climb and dedicated making it to the Summit of Everest to her as he said, “she would have wanted me to finish!” 

LaMoureaux says he takes “no” credit for these accomplishments and said that, “he owes his success to God who strengthens and comforts him in the face of extreme challenges and adversity!” (Click here to read related Press Releases.)
For more information on World's
Best Songwriters and Musicians
Acquisition Consideration
 To Submit your entertainment library or intellectual property for consideration by our Acquisition Team please e-mail an Executive Summary of your offering for our confidential review and as all inquiries and submissions are reviewed with the highest level of security in the entertainment industry. At the Monte Cristo Entertainment Group we understand an entertainment and intellectual property owners need for extreme confidentiality when considering all options available. Taking into account that even the smallest piece of information that is leaked to others in the midst of a review of an acquisition can sometimes terminate all possibilities of completing what would be a solid transaction: so all matters are handled on a need to know basis. Since our Acquisition Review Teams only source of benefit is completing  acquisitions and not talking about them, our desire is to consummate and close acquisitions  with extreme priority.
Please be sure to include any and all holdings which can be fully documented by one of our Due diligence Team along with 
your price, specific terms and all relevant contact information.
All Executive Summaries should be no more than five (5) pages of text with front and rear covers included for a total of seven (7) pages. Library listing exhibits and or catalogs of other intellectual properties can be included separately and will be accepted in addition to the Executive Summary.
Contact and submissions should be directed to: Mr. George LaMoureaux at:
Missing Children’s Telethon

The Climb For America’s “Children Denali 2001-2002 Expedition and the Everest 2008 Expedition” were “successfully filmed productions” that will be part and partial to the overall Worldwide Broadcast of the “First National and Worldwide Missing Children’s Telethon.” 

The Missing Children’s Telethon is a Global Televised Event which will be the “first of its kind” and will help to raise awareness and bring attention to the worldwide problem which is at epidemic proportions with over 60,000 children reported missing worldwide every day! 

In addition to the Worldwide Awareness Campaign that the Missing Children’s Telethon will promote, will be the simultaneous Fund Raising Campaign which enables and gives needed financial support to “A Child Is Missing.” 

A Child Is Missing is the “first response program” that works with Law Enforcement in the “first few critical hours of a child’s disappearance” and is “the world’s only first response program of its kind.” The Worldwide Broadcast of the Missing Children’s Telethon will increase and give additional support to A Child Is Missing and its global presence by the expansion of its Worldwide Command Center, provide more Law Enforcement Training Programs and the continuation of the major awareness and fund raising campaigns. 

Additionally, funding will got to “The Missing Children’s Registry”, the “world’s first and only global missing children’s registry”, in order to support its expansion and infrastructure, so that the children who are missing for extended periods of time have a chance to be found. 

The Missing Children’s Telethon is expected to raise “substantial awareness to the missing children’s problem and raise needed funding at the same time” that “will help to save children’s lives worldwide for many generations to come!
For more information about
The Missing Children’s Telethon 

Please visit our website at:
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Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 


Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters
Berkeley Square House
Berkeley Square

Fax: +44 (020) 7887 60 01

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters


Our Head Office in London at Berkeley Square, situated in the heart of Mayfair, is world renowned as being the most prestigious address in the world. Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters is situated strategically to accommodate our Global Investors and the World’s Leading Financial Institutions who participate in our acquisition alliance.

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters in Berkeley Square, in the heart of Mayfair, is without doubt one of London’s most sought-after locations. Its proximity to some of Europe’s finest restaurants and hotels, together with world class shopping facilities is unrivalled. Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters location at Berkeley Square House dominates the eastern side of Berkeley Square and offers a truly international profile due to its extensive range of blue chip occupiers and neighbors’.

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters was selected not only for the quality of the building itself but, in addition, its proximity to major transport links and important communications hubs.


Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters was selected not only for the quality of the building itself but, in addition, its proximity to major transport links and important communications hubs.

How to Find Us

Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London W1J 6BD, UK
• Take the M40 towards Central London
• Then the A4 to Piccadilly
• Turn left into Stratton Street
• Then left again into Berkeley Street
• Continue into Berkeley Square. Berkeley Square house is situated on 
the right hand side of the square 

How to get there by Public Transport
• Direct Underground connection to Heathrow Airport on the Picadilly line
• Excellent communication links with four Underground stations within a short walk, on the Victoria, Piccadilly, 
Jubilee, Central and Bakerloo lines
• Access to Victoria, Charing Cross, Waterloo, Euston and Paddington mainline stations
• Proximity to numerous central London bus routes

A number 8 bus is the direct route into Berkeley Square, buses serving
Oxford Street are only a short distance from the Square through Davies Street


• Radio Taxi London 020 7272 0201
• Data Cab London 020 8960 6050
• Com Cab London 020 7432 1432

Bus Routes

8 Bow (London) Liverpool Street  Oxford Street Berkeley Square
 Victoria (London)
25 Forest Gate (London) Oxford Street Liverpool Street Baker Street
Victoria (London)
82 North Finchley Berkeley Square > Oxford Street > Bond Street
>Victoria (London)

From Greenpark Station, a 3 minute walk through Berkeley Street leads you straight to our Head Office. From Bond Street station, 
walk down Davies Street, which leads onto Berkeley Square.
Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. US Registered Office


Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. US Registered Office
711 So. Carson St., Ste. 4 Carson City, Nevada 89701  
Fax (775) 882-6818 

Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. US Registered Office                                                        


Monte Cristo Entertainment, Inc. US Registered Office is only a few blocks from the Nevada Secretary of State's Office so that, if a Legal, Corporate or State of Nevada filing needs to be made on an expedited basis it can be timely filed or acquired almost instantaneously!

We see one of our other key responsibilities is staying on top of all mandatory filings as this is so important to operating and maintaining what “God Willing”; will be a profitable business.

We have a highly trained and qualified group that triple checks all of our filings so that there is less than a 1% return rate from the State of Nevada and has been servicing corporate needs in Nevada since 1995, so their experience has stood the test of time and will continue.

Consequently, Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. US Registered Office is strategically positioned to place into effect or respond to any and all government requirements necessary for its continued growth and longevity.

World's Best Songwriters and Musicians is an Affiliate of the Monte Cristo Entertainment Group, Inc. 
“Integrating Entertainment With Advanced Technology”
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